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THE RASWAN INDEX and Handbook for Arabian Breeders

THE RASWAN INDEX and Handbook for Arabian Breeders

258,- €

inkl. 7% MwSt., inkl. Versandkosten für Deutschland

Artikelnummer: ISBN 978-3-7582-0792-1

  • Versandfertig in 2 Wochen
  • Versandkostenfrei ab 10,- EURO innerhalb Deutschlands

As an inexhaustible source of original and instructive material for research workers the Raswan Index stands unique. The alphabetically arranged index covers everything of importance and interest connected with Arabian horses in Desert Arabia, Egypt, Europe, and the Western Hemisphere. Hundreds of pedigrees and breeding charts may be drawn from it. The origin of individual horses, the initial source of any strain, their relationship to distinctive types, to certain breeders, clans and tribes and to Arabian studfarms in Europe and America can be established easily. One may trace the source of foreign blood and its influence upon Arabian studfarms in Europe and America.

  • Details
  • Autor: Carl Raswan
  • Verlag: Georg Olms Verlag
  • Titel: THE RASWAN INDEX and Handbook for Arabian Breeders
  • Untertitel: A Complete reproduction of the original work by Carl Raswan. Not a single word or photograph has been omitted, altered, or transposed. The only material added is that supplied or approved by the author′s wife Esperanza Raswan. Ed. by: The Carl Raswa
  • Abbildungen: 234 plates
  • IBSN: 978-3-7582-0792-1
  • Ausstattung: gebunden
  • Einband: Gebundene Ausgabe
  • Umfang: 987 pp.
  • Erscheinungsdatum: Quarto, Santa Barbara 1990

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Carole ***** 
Verifizierte Bewertung
Need to know the cost of the Raswan Index is USA dollars.

Thank you
Kaufdatum: 20.03.2013
Bewertungsdatum: 05.04.2013

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